Rain Garden Design and Construction Demystified

Event date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 @ 6:30 PM
End date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 @ 9:00 PM
Event location: Zoom online

Rain gardens are shallowly depressed garden beds that hold on to runoff that typically comes off your roof.  They act like leaky bathtubs, which help reduce the impact of flooding and drought on the street where you live.

They are features that are usually dry and sometimes wet.  They have design characteristics to make sure they don't stay wet longer than a day or two.

This session is meant to inspire and equip you to tackle building your own rain garden at home, whether you live in a new community or an established one.  

Every property should have at least one!

See more details on the registration page at the Calgary Horticultural Society.

Registration closes April 7th, but contact the ALIDP if you miss the deadline and you'd still like to get in.

Learn More and register through the Calgary Horticultural Society