Joshua Maxwell M.Sc., P.Eng., PMP

WSP Canada Inc.As Team Lead, Water Resources Engineering, Josh specializes in infrastructure planning and design, with a special interest in sustainable stormwater management. He is actively engaged with private and public clients as an engineering consultant, practicing land development and municipal engineering across Western Canada. With 12 years of experience, he is an enthusiastic and outgoing presenter of technical information to private entities, public groups, commissions, councils, and regulatory bodies. As a recognized authority in the Edmonton Region, he is excited to lend his energy to the ALIDP and help advance LID within Alberta.
Josh’s first LID design project was the detailed design of the Starling Bioswale in Starling Neighborhood in Edmonton in 2012. Since then, he has worked on numerous other LID projects, both in the planning stages and detailed design. More recently, he has been heavily involved in the LID planning and design for the Taza Park Development in the Tsuut’ina Nation, located west of Calgary. Josh has also played a lead role in the implementation of LID planning for neighborhoods incorporating LID techniques under the Building Great Neighborhoods Program in the City of Edmonton.
Josh’s vision and hope for LID is to see its implementation on a broad scale. In the future, it will be as easy to specify a bioretention basin as it will be to specify a catch basin. Furthermore, it will become a cost-effective tool for certain scenarios, and not just something developers build for the “kudos”.