Alastair Ross Technology Centre Xeriscaping and Green Roof Research

Posted on Jul 30, 2017

Environmental initiatives at this high-tech incubator located in Innovation Park at the University of Calgary began with the installation of the first commercial xeriscape in Alberta and led to the Alberta Ecoroof Initiative. The roof was installed a decade ago and proved that you can indeed have green roofs in Alberta. Investigations into plant performance, stormwater, and, beginning this year, thermal performance, have shed light on what to expect in a chinook zone on the shortgrass prairie.

Environmental initiatives at this high-tech incubator located in Innovation Park at the University of Calgary began with the installation of the first commercial xeriscape in Alberta and led to the Alberta Ecoroof Initiative. The roof was installed a decade ago and proved that you can indeed have green roofs in Alberta. Investigations into plant performance, stormwater, and, beginning this year, thermal performance, have shed light on what to expect in a chinook zone on the shortgrass prairie.