Low Impact Development Technology - Design Methods and Case Studies

Posted on Jul 30, 2017 | Edited by Michael L. Clar, P.E., D.WRE; Robert G. Traver, P.E., D.WRE; Shirley E. Clark, P.E., D.WRE; Shannon Lucas; Keith Licht

New book available including 22 papers from the 2011 Low Impact Development Conference held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - " Low Impact Development Technology - Design and Case Studies", 2015 (242pp)

"Low Impact Development Technology - Design Methods and Case Studies" (2015, 242pp) includes selected papers from the 2011 Low Impact Development Conference, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 25-28, 2011. Soft cover (under production) or e-book options are available to buy or download.

The 22 papers address a wide range of LID design applications and includes a number of practical case studies. Topics include: rain gardens and bioretention systems; green streets and hardscapes; green roofs; and watershed restoration. A companion volume, "Low Impact Development Technology:  Implementation and Economics", is also available.